In addition, it will cause more and more damage to your MBP as it continues expanding. A swollen battery can either begin leaking or actually break out of its casting. If it swells up, then I recommend replacing the battery soon. And I recommend you take out the old one immediately and dispose of it properly. I recommend that every few months, you pull the battery from your MacBook Pro and leave it on the table for 10-20 minutes. Sometimes the damage is enough that the keyboard or touch pad need to be replaced. As the batteries get larger, they will put pressure on both the keyboard and touch pad causing them not to work. Since Apple batteries are sealed, they will slowly expand over time. With a vented battery, the gas merely escapes into the atmosphere. All batteries give off minuscule amounts of gas.

The batteries that Apple uses are not vented. Battery life depends on configuration and use. Apple is unique among laptop manufacturers with regard to their batteries. Testing conducted by Apple in March 2010 using preproduction 2.53GHz Intel Core i5based 17-inch MacBook Pro units. Step 2 Release the clips that holds the lower case to the upper case, ultimately removing the lower case. Sometimes they are even pushed up, as if something is pushing them away from within the case. Located on the bottom of the MacBook Pro, remove the ten screws that secure the lower case to the upper case. I may find that this battery goes the same way the official battery, but for almost half the price I can afford to replace the battery twice for the cost of the official one.Do you have a Macbook Pro that is a few years old or older? We will have Macbooks come to us with the keyboard or touch pad not working.

The notebook recharged completely in 2 hours and 53 minutes, drawing an average. Needless to say I have now since purchased a new battery, but not an official Apple one as I felt that another supplier could not do any worse than the Apple battery had performed. Like the new 15-inch MacBook Pro, the 13-inch version also did extremely well on the LAPTOP Battery Efficiency test. I was completely bemused at this point, there was Apple back in 2010 apologising and falling over themselves to rectify clearly a defective product – but 2 years later Apple flatly refusing to entertain a replacement citing this was a purely a ‘wear and tear’ issue !. Again Apple refused to engage in resolving the problem stating that all batteries fail and that I would need to purchase a new battery as this was ‘wear and tear’. Testing conducted by Apple in March 2010 using preproduction 2.66GHz Intel Core i7-based MacBook Pro units. I explained this issue had occurred again which was exactly what had happened last time, pointed them to the previous repair case number and numerous issues people had reported online about this problem. I gave Apple a call who immediately refused to correct the issue as they stated the recall programme was now closed. So I started by checking the health of the battery which showed 108 Cycles which I don’t find excessive (Apple quote 400-500 Cycles for the life of a battery). So you can imagine when I started to see a repeat issue with my replacement Apple part, I thought it’s ok I will give Apple a call and report this problem again as they were super helpful last time and due to the fact they advised previously that this was not correct behaviour and not an intended design feature they would quickly resolve it. The whole process was a pleasure from start to end, a courteous telephone conversation with an Apple AppleCare rep, quick response and a speedy dispatch of the replacement part – all rectified in a few days. I requested a ‘Do-It-Yourself repair’ to which Apple sent me a replacement Battery, Lithium Ion, 68W including packaging to return the defective part (otherwise a £70 fee would be charged).
So I duly contacted Apple who were at that time (Nov 2010) offering a free replacement/recall of batteries which showed signs of swelling. I originally purchased my MacBook Pro 17″ around late 2006 (Oct 2006) when the first battery started to warp. So around 2-3 months ago I started to notice my Apple MacBook Pro 17″ battery was once again starting to show signs of swelling.